Posted by: Brad
24th September 2002
1:15 AM
I'm not sure if the problem is on my end or theirs, but I had a devil of a time getting this comic posted. Jesus christ, every single time I'd try connecting to the remote server, it's all "No, no connection for you" and shut down the connection. What the fuck?! So, the long and the short of it is that the comic is just now being posted - not because of laziness on my part, but rather because some moron unplugged something in the server room. If it weren't so angry it'd be depressing.
Notice, if you will, the sinister looking fiend in the last panel. This is the cartoon representation of John, who is a personal good friend of mine and a freak of the same caliber as myself. Perhaps some of you know him (perhaps you are him ...), but rest assured. John isn't going to be a regular character (there are only really 3 of those), but he will be making the occasional appearance. We're just not sure how much John you all can take before you pass out. We'll have to find out.
This episode concludes the Where the Hell is PETE mini series, and I for one will say that it was a harrowing experience. I'm not sure I'm up for that much continuity all at once, but Matt wanted to make it go longer. Longer! Ye Gods, I'm not that strong, folks. Continuity is something to be avoided like the black plague for a variety of reasons, none of which I'll go into here. Suffice it to say that I at least don't have the patience to put really funny comic ideas on hold because we have yet to finish the series. Bah. Let them come to me, I say.
Well, things are starting to normalize again in my life, we'll have to see how long that lasts. You should find the archives "back" and "forward" buttons in pretty good shape, but I'll be working on cleaning up all the mess a bit later on in the day.
~Brad out