Posted by: Brad

20th September 2002
12:55 AM

I promised Matt that I'd have the comic up early, but my favorite illegal pharmacologist offered to give me a back massage, at which he is unavoidably amazing. So, despite my good intentions at the beginning, I didn't do it. But, I'm really a lot less stressed out.

On to more related topics, my Freudian slip frequency has multiplied far more than is healthy. I find myself saying the oddest things to people, and get really odd looks too. It doesn't help that most of the time I'm randomly in my bathrobe - which has won me the dubious distinction of being odd. This quality is one that I consider vitally important to being me. Not to be confused with being him.

Also, this is a miraculous PART 1!!! Yes! Matt and I are finally caving into the peer pressure of other webcomics and adding some continuity. This will be part one of two, the "Where the Hell is PETE" series, which may be followed by other things continuous. Don't get your hopes up.

Huh ... I find myself oddly without anything really to say. Sorry, all. No witty things from me.

~Brad out

Critical Updates Package
posted by: Matt

20th September, 2002
4:00 P.M.

Alright Hawkeye...Who the hell said ANYTHING about continuity? Well, maybe I did. It was really, really pillow went M.I.A. last night....could be P.O.W. I just don't know....on the bright side I did had a half gallon of DEW to sustain me through that long bout with my pencil ... I just was NOT feelin' the love last night and for that I am truly sorry. I really wish i could turn out some Piro quality stuff for you all ... but i just don't have the time or m4d sk1llz for that. Once again i am sorry.

posted by: Matt

21st september
11:45 A.M.

Alright , people, I haven't the slightest conception under God as to why I have recieved NO mail regarding the comic. If this B.S. keeps up I'll let Brad Draw it, see how all o' you like that.

Posted by: Brad

22nd September, 2002
9:45 PM

"Yes doctor, he bites things."

I can understand that Matt is pretty pissed off, but I'm trying to take the more mellow approach. But, I still want the same things. Some mail, of any kind, would be absolutely fantabulous. I mean, c'mon. I've said it before and you're making me say it again, but one freaking line, in fact, this one right here, or this one. Dont' be stodgy, just tell us what you think. Seriously. Just point and click, that's all we ask.

~Brad out

Posted by: Matt

22ed September, 202
10:07 P.M.

PISSED OFF?!?!?! I'M SO DAMN MAD I'M ALMOST LACTATING!! But really, send some don't want a Brad art really don't .ok? can send us mail by clickin' on our names..  it's not hard...

~Matt out (maybe for a while)

This Comic made possible by the combined efforts of Matt Thompson and Brad Mitchell. Hosted by Keenspace. All works on the site are (C) and (R) them unless it's (C) (R) someone else. Don't even think about stealing from us, our collective left earlobe vibrates every time illegal type shit happens. Read and enjoy the comic, then tell our hosts how much you like it. Spread the word!