
Here you will find somewhat detailed explanations of each character, as well as a portrait of them in their natural habitat.  Every time you see a new character, check here to see who they are.

~Brad Out

Brad is one of the two main characters in the comic.  He is a real asshole when he wants to be, and has - like Drew - discovered that Computer Science sucks and large-scale explosives are good.  He really, more than anything else, wants to blow up the world when he's done with it, presumably so that no one else will be able to screw it up.  Capable of tremendous personal magnetism when he's had enough sleep (this is very rare).  And yes, that is an iguana on his head.

Matt is the other main character in the comic, seeing the world in Trip-O-Vision.  He's an artist , musician, hippy, and most of all well.. lets just say "unique".   He's a sucker with women, often going to apparently great lengths to make an idiot of himself (to sacrifice ones self on the alter of humility is to win a heart forever).  Also the closet thing Today Ain't Your Day has to an "official" Philosopher.:P

Rich is a bone-skinny, so-white-he's-nearly-translucent, rap-listening, chain wearing, pants sagging, wannabe gansta.  He's really cool but has absolutely no luck with women for any significant length of time, although he has been known to pick up chics in record times.  Man-whore.  Pimp wannabe.  Lives in his own little dreamland where rap is still cool and women all want twig-type guys.  Spends way too much time at the mall.

Valerie, or Val as she is usually called, is the stereo-typical young woman.  Directionless, quick to anger, almost supernaturally possessive of Matt, she is his better half and an absolutely rabid DDR player.  She likes to dress to entice poor matt into not doing the things he's supposed to do, and is quite adept at smacking people around. Has been known to smack Brad in the head for writing dumb things  on the profiles page.


A restless person, John is the kind that deliberately taunts the CHP and yet somehow has survived this long without an arrest warrant or a single ticket.  Scientists are still baffled by his ability to get himself into and out of freakishly abnormal situations.  Voted "Most likely to die a horrific Death"



Pete is very simply a drunken iguana who likes to get lost ...... there really isn't any thing else to say, is there?




This comic made possible by the combined efforts of Matt Thompson and Brad Mitchell, and hosted by Keenspot. All works on the site are (C) and (R) them unless it's (C) and (R) someone else. Don't even try to steal from us, our collective left earlobe vibrates every time illegal type shit happens. Just read the comic and then go tell our hosts how much you've enjoyed our work.  Spread the word!