Posted by: Teh Brad
9:15 AM
5 September 2004
Zombie Jesus on a Fucking pogo stick. Do you know what day it is? DO YOU?! It's been one year - a full fucking year - since Matt and I decided to piss the fuck off and get drunk. No comics, no updates, no fucking nothing for a solid freaking year. Then what happens? BAM! Girlfriends goodbye, life into shitter, it's good old fashioned "Angry, Bitter Asshole" time. Oh yeah, folks, the good times are gonna roll now. I'm pissed, I'm vocla, and best of all, I'm angry enough to inflict my TERRIBLE art upon you all. Witness exhibit A, the "comic" for today.
Fuck. I'm tempted - really tempted - to shut this domain down and start again, with a derived name, to get new traffic statistics and such. I'm even thinking about doing the site the way keenspace wants it done, all automatic with no humanizing touch at all. Phaw. I'm getting off the subject, and that subject is PHEAR, and why you all should be. You see, I'm not just Brad anymore- oh no. I'm Brad, Member in Good Standing of Team Bitter, with all the bitterness and rage that implies. I'm just about to hear with women, men too for that matter, and I'd like to give a big FUCK YOU to everybody out there who has in some small way managed to fuck with my life. Including you, Amber. Fuck you. And your goddamn ferret, too.
So, this monstrocity to my right was drawn, inked, scanned, colored, scripted, and posted to the interweb entirely by me. Matt doesn't know this atrocity even exists. With any luck, it'll derail his brain and I can feast upon his entrails. Otherwise, I'm just gonna have to club him across the face. That usually works.
If Matt wants to get back on this, hey, I'm more than willing - but the shaking rage inside was too strong to deny, and so you have this: just my litte way of telling everybody to screw off, I'm gonna have a beer.