Posted by: Brad

5:24 PM

4 March 2003

6 Goddamn Months.

I'm not even shitting you. We've been slacking off from the comic for 6 goddamn friggin months.

Jesus Christ.

Alright. Here's our new schedule: whenever we feel like it in the week. We're gonna be putting up one a week, at least for a while, but we'll do it whenever we damn well please. College is hard, and sitting down in front of a computer, pinching my eyes to see what little bits of code are flashing across the screen and wishing I could go to bed already is not my idea of fun. Instead, I'm going to be doing homework and pinching my eyes. Bah.

So, welcome to "Today Ain't Your Day". Again. Fuck.
Also, Matt wants to excercise his fingers in a sort of dramatic series - we'll be starting up another Keenspace site to hold that one, and we'll link it across from here. Probably gonna be another weekly. Funny only like Trigun was funny in the end. Umm ... yeah.

Right ... new comics every week, check ... new series, check ... oh!
Matt and I play in Kings of Chaos, a semi-new web game. We desperately need recruits, so please look for the links on the side of the page to help us out.

Ok. Now that's it. Seriously. I'm going the fuck home now.

~Brad out


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   The Brad            The Matt

   The John           The Rich

     The Val


This Is Where The Stupid Goes When You Flush

Posted by: Brad
10:09 PM
6 April 2003

Alright, please observe: new layout!! YES! We have mastered the disasters, and have tamed this elusive new layout. Notice that the comments bar is now the "Stuff" bar, containing all manner of "Stuff", and that the comments section ("This is where the stupid goes when you flush") has been moved to right underneath the comic. This will save space if the comic is small and do nothing if the comic is the size of the Tokyo Tower (it's happened before).

On that note, we're also looking at shrinking the panels down a lot - think regular webcomic size panels. Thinking, I said.



Posted by: Matt
8:30 PM
8 April 2003

Ok, so, new stuff is up. Like Brad said, more new stuff should be coming up about once a week or so ... don't really know much about that. We've got some ideas, stuff involving the ever-drunken pete, some stuff maybe on a strange and even crazier note than we usually are ... more on that later.

Schleepy ...


This Comic made possible by the combined efforts of Matt Thompson and Brad Mitchell. Hosted by Keenspace. All works on the site are (C) and (R) them unless it's (C) (R) someone else. We hear and obey our Monkey overlords. And the Monkies shall punish those who steal our shit, so don't. Read and enjoy the comic, then tell our hosts how much you like it. Spread the word!