No Fun Without Random Wiring - 2 July, 2002

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Tempus, as they say, Vernum

Posted by: Brad @ 2:45 AM.


"Hey, Brad ... do you want eyebrows?" sayeth my artist. I must confess that getting a webcomic started from nothing more than inspiration, determination and alcohol is a lot of work.  Even for me, and I'm the writer.  Just hacking the site out of the mountain of raw code that sat upon my desk was enough of a problem, quite aside from the fact that Matt wants to bath3 in b33r.

The strip kind of explains itself, as we had both wanted to do a webcomic for some time. It was only sheer luck that Matt hadn't gotten his room set up again when I came over to drink Dew and fix his computer. Thus the not-really-funny premiere. Matt has kinda settled on a style that is mostly sketch with some Photoshop touch-ups.  We've decided to go with mostly greyscale, to make it easier on both our production times and our readers who have slower connections than ours.  We snicker evilly.  Also, we may include random bits of color in the strips, and perhaps a very few full color ones, although I would much prefer them to look like this. At the very worst, it can't be any worse than User Friendly, but they have something called a fan base.

Before you get the idea that we have no idea of what we're doing, we have several strips in various processes of being completed.  Matt is really working over time to get this done, so we're all being very supportive.  So far we've produced 7 strip ideas with 5 strips being drawn, and we're hoping for something like a Tuesday / Friday update schedule, as these comics do take more than their fair share of time to do.  Just stick with us and we'll try not to disappoint.  And yes, they are funnier than our premier.

The site is still in the process of being finalized, and I'm working out some really annoying code issues with a vodka bottle and HTML.  There's so much that I'd really like to learn how to do, and that's going to take time.  I only ask that you give us the chance, because the site will be awesome a little bit further down the road

We're actually kind of hoping to be linked by some of our favorite webcomics, but as we have no domain yet, this doesn't seem likely. In the mean time, we recommend the following City of Links:

Penny Arcade - Most of our original "hey we should do a webcomic" inspiration.

Mac Hall - Most of our original art inspiration.

User Friendly



Enough yakking for now, check back later for more updates.

~Brad Out

Critical Updates Package

Posted by Brad at 1:30 AM - 3 July '02

Just a quick update here. Your humble writer has just purchased a "Teach yourself Photoshop" book, and is determined to read it cover to cover. So, for those of you who were beginning to compare our inspirational sources to our humble and meager offering with tones of distaste, rest assured that things should be looking mucho better-o in the near future.

~Brad out

This comic made possible by the combined efforts of Matt Thompson and Brad Mitchell, and hosted by Keenspot. All works on the site are (C) and (R) them unless it's (C) and (R) someone else. Don't even try to steal from us, our collective left earlobe vibrates every time illegal type shit happens. Just read the comic and then go tell our  hosts how much you've enjoyed our work.  Spread the word!