Oh, The Humanity ... - 3 July, 2002

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Sometimes we're taken too Literally

Posted by: Brad @ 10:51 PM

You win some, you loose some.  That's the way the game's played.

Matt was trying a different style here, using a more Johnny-esque inking style for the first panel.  I can't say that I'm too terribly fond of it, but at least it manages to get across exactly how far hunched over I was when I was working on his computer.  That thing is truly evil and it hates new hardware, which makes my job a whole lot harder, because I usually have to beat it into submission with a toaster.  This is harder than it sounds; Alcohol is usually involved.

Well, tomorrow is the 4th of July, a time very special in my life, it's when things start 'splodin'.  It's also my favorite holiday of the entire year.  I am, as I'm sure you're no doubt aware, a massively, gianormously, hideously large pyromaniac.  Fire of all kinds is fun and my friend, especially the kind of fire that makes things explode.  In fact, I can usually tell how much I'm going to like a movie based purely on the number of explosions in the trailer. It's a complicated mathematical process that I won't bore you with but basically boils down to more 'splosions = more fun.  I know, I'm a very sick man.  In any event, we here at Today Ain't Your Day do not in any way advocate the kind of illegal fireworks one can buy in Mexico and blow up cars with, but we do encourage our readers and Americans all over the world to celebrate the American Independence day with lots of grilling, meat, b33r, and explosions.  Live it up: we're the best of the best, with honors SIR!

Matt and I went and saw Men In Black ][ today, which was the most awesomnest movie that was ever awesome about aliens.  Shit, E.T. was damn good but it was weak sauce compared to this.  You should all go see it.  Now.  Go.

Also, we've been in negotiations with Keenspace.com for some hosting.  They've agreed to host us, and everything we're bringing including my iguana for free, and give us some good advertizing.  We're not sure when their site will be ready for us, as they seem like the drunken debauchers that Matt usually hangs around with and they told us that they'd do it when they felt like it.  If you want to make yourselves useful, you'll tell them how much you love us, and that they really need to get our page up.  Sooo, for the mean time we're still being hosted out of Brads personal webspace, but that's ok because most of our readers are our real life friends anyway.

Enough for now, you all know the drill: check back in a day or so for more updates.

~Brad Out

Critical Updates Package

Posted by: Matt @ 11:49 PM

BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!  I laugh evilly at Brad's Proctological troubles.  I laugh!  See!?!  See me laughing!?! Ha Ha Ha!!

And yes, you all need to see MIB2 ... really.  It's that good.


Posted by: Brad @ 12:42 AM on 5 July '02

Just some quick notes:

I know that a lot of the pages here still have their basic, wimpy-ass content and I'm sorry, but we're just getting started here.  We're working on getting everything fleshed out in the Features and Matt Art sections, but the comic strip itself does take precedence.  Also, while we're on the subject, the comic is going to be updated on a more-or-less Tuesday and Friday schedule.  We'll be working on strips in between then, of course, so we shouldn't run out of material (especially with the current style).  This will leave us stress-free while we transition to Keenspace.com, and then we'll have our school shit to see to as well, so the extra "buffer zone" of comics will help.

Also as promised, the book is being read, and we'll try to incorporate some of this in our newest strips.

~Brad Out

Posted by: Brad @ 7:39 PM on 5 July '02

An update:  In an effort to attract new readers and to flesh out our 98-pound-weakling Archives section, we will be putting up new comics and news posts every time one rolls off the press.  This means we'll have no cushion of comics should things get busy, but I suspect that "Dead Matt Days" shouldn't be too common a sight.  The moral of this story is to check back at least once every other day to get the newest comics as they roll off the printer.

~Brad Out

This comic made possible by the combined efforts of Matt Thompson and Brad Mitchell, and hosted by Keenspot. All works on the site are (C) and (R) them unless it's (C) and (R) someone else. Don't even try to steal from us, our collective left earlobe vibrates every time illegal type shit happens. Just read the comic and then go tell our  hosts how much you've enjoyed our work.  Spread the word!