Posted by: Brad @
12:37 PM
Well, I got the magical e-mail today, from the people. They tell me that our webpage
is ready for us to move in and customize. YAY!! So, that
leaves me with only one problem: I need the advertisement code so that I
can put it into the page. You see, most Keenspace pages are made
using wussy ***tags*** rather than real HTML. So, I'm all set to
post and suddenly realize that after horribly mangling the
default layout they had set up for me and replacing it with my own hideous
inventions, the Auto Updater probably wouldn't work, rendering my
carefully inserted ***advertisement*** tags meaningless. Sooo ... chalk
up another one for Brads Idiocy.
We're all waiting for the reply e-mail wherein they
will deliver unto us the code that we need to move into our new
lodgings, and in the mean time this site will come down, so start
Yes, no more will we be living in poverty and
running out of Brads personal webspace, we will instead be moving into
the new 5-room Condo's that just went up down the street.
In other news, the learning of Photoshop progresses,
and you should be able to see the results of our labors in the
next strip, due on Tuesday. That is, assuming that Matt can peel
himself away from his girlfriend long enough to actually draw the strip
before plastering himself against his monitor in Photoshop-y
bliss. Lord, I worry about that boy sometimes.
Nothing else seems to be going on, which
worries me.
~Brad out