Mexicana Iguana - 16 July 02

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Posted by: Brad @ 4:06 AM

Ok ... this has got to stop.  You people are not worth me loosing intense amounts of sleep over ... so why did I stay up until all hours of the night had already tipped their hats and gone to sleep to finish this comic?  None of you are even going to check it when you get up, I could have waited until noon or something.  Ah well.  I did the comic.  You may notice a difference, a quality, in the comic.  This is entirely due to Ian of MacHall for his wonderful Tutorial on how to use photoshop to make things look godlike.

Don't be such strangers, Tell us what you think.

Some people have told me that for the longest time they couldn't access the site.  Well, that's because of a Keenspace server error.  They had a bug, but it's all gone now.  Everything on the site should be working fine, and with any luck Matt will be updating the Matt Art sometime this week.  Good luck.

Also, Matt and I went to a game of Rivercats Baseball yesterday ... I was kinda hoping that it wouldn't suck, and at least the company was good, but the game itself was not every exciting for most of it.  Now, there were fun parts, parts that made me just want to kiss the inventor of baseball, but it was mostly a chance for Matt to draw sad girls in something that might resemble snow when enough alcohol is applied to the problem.

Which reminds me:  for all that we have a few readers, the amount if e-mail in my box asking, in incredulous and slightly worried tones, if the alcohol so often referred to in my posts is mine is truly astonishing.  So, the strip.  IT'S NOT ME.  It's Pete, the iguana ... he has a serious drinking problem.  I'm fine.  *hic*

This comic will be up all day today, and there will be a new one tomorrow.  A new one that hopefully won't take an hour and a half per panel.

I'm going to sleep now, I hope you appreciate this.

~Brad out

Critical Updates Package

This comic made possible by the combined efforts of Matt Thompson and Brad Mitchell, and hosted by Keenspot. All works on the site are (C) and (R) them unless it's (C) and (R) someone else. Don't even try to steal from us, our collective left earlobe vibrates every time illegal type shit happens. Just read the comic and then go tell our  hosts how much you've enjoyed our work.  Spread the word!