Dance Dance Tentacle - 17 July '02

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We're Going for Some Kind of Record

Posted by: Brad @ 1:30 AM

Well, well, well.  Wonders never cease.  I just looked at the site logs and as of today, Today Ain't Your Day has had 691 hits.  Well.  Thank you all for coming and reading, Matt and I really appreciate it.

I am in a bit of a quandary: I'm a huge fan of the Role Playing Genre, and I am faced with two choices now.  Morrowind, hailed as the greatest RPG for computers in a long time, or NeverWinter Nights, which is Dungeons and Dragons made into something that makes even my video card scream.  And my video card is like a tiny god living inside my computer.  So.  I need your help.  E-mail me and tell me what your vote is, because I'll be damned if I don't have one of them on my machine by next week.

I'm not sure if you've noticed by now or not, but Matt and I (mostly me) use this page and this update space as a discussion of our personal lives.  So.  In one week I'll be back at school, trying to stay awake during English and Calculus.  Wish me luck.  Which leads me to Today Ain't Your Day's first ever CONTEST.  Yes, that's right, we've been up for two weeks and we're already holding contests.  Here's the official rules, no purchase required.  Send me or Matt your best jokes and whoever makes us laugh the longest and the hardest will be honored with cameo appearances in our webcomic.  I'm serious, I'm not even kidding you.  You don't even have to make up new ones, but if we've heard them before they're not going to be funny and you're not going to win.  Also, a brief physical description is required, including all your major features and things that we can make fun of when we draw you.  Hawkish nose, huge muscles, beard to your belt, etc.  So, have fun, find us some funny jokes and let the games begin!


I'm not sure if anything I can say now will be read after that monumental announcement, but here we go anyway.  Yes, I am a DDR player.  I am so hopelessly addicted that I search out where the DDR machines are in whatever city it is that I'm traveling to before I even leave the house.  It's that bad.  So, for those of you DDR players who are mortally offended by todays comic, I did it for love.

This makes two comics in a week, and we're looking at another one on Friday, all original.  Keep checking back and keep the e-mail coming, we love the feedback.

~Brad out

Critical Updates Package

This comic made possible by the combined efforts of Matt Thompson and Brad Mitchell, and hosted by Keenspot. All works on the site are (C) and (R) them unless it's (C) and (R) someone else. Don't even try to steal from us, our collective left earlobe vibrates every time illegal type shit happens. Just read the comic and then go tell our  hosts how much you've enjoyed our work.  Spread the word!