Posted by: Brad

17th September 2002
10:10 AM

I will freely admit, right here in front of everybody, that I forgot to update the comic, and that ... oh ... wait ... nevermind, I'm sorry, there isn't really a comic today. It's been a hectic week for both Matt and I, and that has been reflected in the comics continual lateness. I would even venture to say that we're running on Jewish Standard Time, what with us being so late and all.

Please forgive us, we'll be back to normal by Friday. Yeup. Everything just normal.

Also, I know that the site is kinda broken in a few of it's links; this should be corrected and back to it's normal state of intoxication by tonight.

As a madman would say:
Snoochi bouchi neuchies!!

~Brad out

Critical Updates Package
Posted by Val

12:50 PM
17th September 2002

*looks at Brads post*..*looks at "DMD" ...I think I need to hone my "smacking" skills.

Posted by Matt

17th September 2002
1:00 P.M.

I am soooooooooooooooooooooooo very very sorry about the comics lateness..its just like Brad said...lots of things i need to be doing, none of which have much to do with the site..once again I am so very very sorry.   On the bright side...I found my pillow..=P

Posted by: Brad

3:30 AM
19 September 2002

Jesus ... I leave the site alone and to it's own devices for a few short days and the place starts to look like a shambles. Well, never you fear, you brave web-venturing souls you, because I have finally found the time to do the needed bushwhacking and generally removing the ruins of ancient civilizations that have mysteriously sprung up in my absence.

Creamy Christ, I thought I had it set up well enough to run itself ... This, you see, is the result of too much "chillin'" and not enough "sleepin'". Also, I am finally prepared for the update that is coming tomorrow, and the ball rests now squarely (or roundly, if you prefer) on Matts shoulders.

I should also like to point out the fact that more and more people are starting to post on this site, and I repeat again my liking of same background, of only for homogeneousness of color schemes. Yes, I am a freak. I also wore my bathrobe to a formal Physics Department Luncheon, where the Dean of my college complimented me on my "Suitable, as usual" attire. Hey, at least people will remember me now.

One last word of some note, although this is primarily for hardware freaks: my new motherboard for my old-as-leftovers processor (which supports RAID and 2 GB of RAM out of the box) should be here in enough time for me to squeal like a piggy in childish delight. I should also be receiving another half gigabyte of RAM, mostly because I'm a freak. I believe that I have mentioned that before.

Anyway ... my solemn vow to never again leave this site to it's own devices for more than 12 hours, and I'm back now.

~Brad out

Posted by: Brad

3:45 AM
19 September 2002

Also, before I forget: anyone out there who can admit that they enjoy the occasional bit of Japanimated fun should search their collections for the X OVA's ... I have the first one, and I'm really liking it, but the movie blows and I want the rest of the OVA's ... much thanks will be given.

~Brad out
FREE TV'S will not be given away at this event.

This Comic made possible by the combined efforts of Matt Thompson and Brad Mitchell. Hosted by Keenspace. All works on the site are (C) and (R) them unless it's (C) (R) someone else. Don't even think about stealing from us, our collective left earlobe vibrates every time illegal type shit happens. Read and enjoy the comic, then tell our hosts how much you like it. Spread the word!