Posted by: Brad

10th September 2002

Well, it's comic time once again. I should apologize for the lack of comics in the past week, but I'm not. I'm just that much of an asshole.

In other news, we here at Today Ain't Your Day would like to thank our readers for coming back again and again; we've just a few days ago reached 10,000 hits, which astonished the pants off of me. Matt had to help me find them, that's how astonished I was. So, keep it up. But, hey ... how about some (yep, you guessed it) e-mail?

This is an almost actual experience, in this comic, which is frightening. I read MacHall one too many times and began hearing all the sugar around me begging to be eaten, and then collapsed from hyperglycemia. That is to say, "sugar induced coma". Should have taught me my lesson. Nope.

The Honorable Tycho Brahe has located a really neat band, and they produce (as he put it) "feel good synthesizer pop" which is always good. They are called Freezepop, and they are delicious to listen to. I personally recomend the song "Hairbrained Scheme", as it is just that good.

On a totally unrelated note, Matt and I began discussing today what might happen if we should become famous: going to Otakon with Ian and Matt, chatting calmly with Piro and Largo, cracking jokes with Gabe and Tycho and the godlike Batjew ... the thought, the mere imaginings, was enough to send me into convulsions of bliss. I mean, to actually meet these heros of webcomicry whom I adore so much would be nifty and neato in the extreme, not to mention actually getting to shake the hand of the great Batjew. Ooo ... I'm getting that funny feeling all over again.

Heh. All of that wishful thinking stemmed from another Matt to Matt communication, this time on the subject of Ians untimely demise.
Even we're not this bad, folks.

~Brad out

Critical Updates Package

This Comic made possible by the combined efforts of Matt Thompson and Brad Mitchell. Hosted by Keenspace. All works on the site are (C) and (R) them unless it's (C) (R) someone else. Don't even think about stealing from us, our collective left earlobe vibrates every time illegal type shit happens. Read and enjoy the comic, then tell our hosts how much you like it. Spread the word!