Posted by: Brad
4th September 2002
On behalf of everyone who read Matts most ... enlightening ... news posts, I would like to say "Monkeys." So I did.
Obviously, you're not very impressed with us, and really that's understandable ... but as this is a court-martial able offense, I would like to take sole and complete responsibility. After all, it was I who was moving back into his house, and I who didn't color the comic yesterday - that due, by the way, to a massive anime fest wherein I got poor, helpless Matt hooked on Neon Genesis Evangelion, which we will most likely be discussing in further detail on Friday. So, keep your eyes firmly affixed to your screens for that. I recommend "C-bond", but whatever works for you is fine by me.
I don't think a lot of explanation is needed for this comic, but it's an excuse to take up valuable webspace. This is a piece of advice to anyone out there whose most commonly used pick-up line is "uhh ... breastises ... " or "ungh ... me Tarzan, you Jane". Matt and I would like to have a little talk: it's about Humanity, the Gene Pool, and Your Place Outside of It. I mean, c'mon people, my cat has more imagination than that. You could at least try to be human; although, for those unfortunate of you who are still using the Mark 1 Neanderthal brain, there's not much that can be done. I recommend being a monk. Or a hermit. Anything that keeps you away from females and reduces your risk of breeding. It's for your own good.
Brad bought himself some new computer parts, which should mean that he can get through an entire panel of this strip without a "Virtual Memory Too Low" error popping up on his computer. He also hopes that this will prevent him from having to reprogram his computer with a wood axe. Programmable toaster chips, as it were.
Jesus, it's 2 am. I'm going to bed now. I have to be awake to partake of the great ritual of ... housework. Yep. Eh. So. How 'bout them Mets, huh?
~Brad out