Posted by: Brad
22th October 2002
4:00 AM
There isn't much to say about this one, except this:
Recently, I have developed the inexpensive hobby of botany. I'm not sure where it started, probably as a bit of stress relief, but I started wanting to grow things. Perhaps it's my Paternal instincts relief valve, as I'm never having children. Ever. End of Story. So anyway, here I am with several little pots and several little plants when who should give me a call but the one and only John! We get to talking, and we have the following exchange:
John: So, indulging in anything I shouldn't be hearing about?
Brad: Nah, not really. I'm getting into botany, but nothing other than that.
John: *pauses a long while* What exactly are you growing?
Brad: Unlike Greg, I'm not growing Peyote. I'm growing some bamboo and Jack Maple, and a little bit of Arizona Cactus.
John: Wow ... I didn't know any of those grewy in the dark.
Needless to say, I was amused, and voila the gods of Comic making provided you with a visual interpretation of my amusement. As well they should, they're my bitches.
Also, the gods of comicky-ness are telling me that the Halloween Special should be ready actually on time, although Matt may be focusing a bit on that and not on the biweekly ... if we miss one, we'll put up some sketches-in-progress, assuming that Matt will part with them. Seriously, he's like this rabid ... thing. He just won't let them out of his sight.
Anyway, there's a test tomorrow, so I'd best be going.
~Brad out