Posted by: Brad

31st October 2002
9:05 AM

Well, it is Halloween, and things have thus far been pretty Halloweeny. We here at Today Ain't Your Day would like to remind you that our title does hold true - for those of you just joining us, Matt could not (and still hasn't) finished the last panel, what would have been the poetic closing of this strip, due to having his hand slammed in a car door. Not his day. Not yours, because you are deprived thus of comicky goodness. So, it is my pleasure to be able to present to you what he manage to finish before it became not his day, which is this: the first 7/8ths of the Halloween Special. Thank you for joining ups, for reading; thank you for coming back and for waiting through everything, and we hope you have a happy and interesting Halloween.

~Brad out

Peanuts! Get Your Peanuts Here!
Posted by Brad

31 October
9:415 PM

Here was the actual script. Unfortunately, there wasn't really enough time to do it all.

STRIP ONE: PANEL ONE: Brad, hunched over his desk, writing on paper PANEL TWO: a vampire appears in Brads room with a "poof" Brad: "What the ..." Panel Three: Vampire bites brad and drinks PANEL FOUR: brad is holding a hand to his neck, rubbing it and looking really pissed, while the vampire stands next to him and looks shocked, whole body vibrating slightly PANEL FIVE: Vampire explodes in a poof of dust *** leve room for a caption here STRIP 2 PANEL ONE: Brad, walking along the sidewalk, hands tucked into pockets and wearing a backpack PANEL TWO: brad, attempting to "swim" along the bodies of a horde of tfick-or-treaters who are about 2 feet tall and heading in the oppostie direction PANEL THREE: what is vaguely recognizable as brad being mauled by many dogs PANEL FOUR: Brad, bedraggled and much the worse for wear, staggers into Matts room and leans on the edge of his drawing board and holding a piece of paper out to matt ***brad: next time, write your own friggin script PANEL FIVE: Matt takes script from brad and writes something on it. PANEL SIX: heavy boulder falls from sky and crushes brad, ACME cartoon style ***Matt: I just did STRIP 3 ONe panel, with all the major characters standing around, Pete floating near Brads head, brad and matt standing shoulder to shoulder and slightly backs turned to each other, with the rest of the "cast" spread out behind them, and the words "Happy Halloween / Joueux Samhain" "From your friends at Today Ain't Your Day" in fancy lettering across the bottom

~Brad out


This Comic made possible by the combined efforts of Matt Thompson and Brad Mitchell. Hosted by Keenspace. All works on the site are (C) and (R) them unless it's (C) (R) someone else. Don't even think about stealing from us, our collective left earlobe vibrates every time illegal type shit happens. Read and enjoy the comic, then tell our hosts how much you like it. Spread the word!