Posted by: Brad

17th October 2002
12:59 AM

I'm not sure exactly how to explain this, but there was in fact supposed to be a comic today. In fact, there will be one a bit later. It's just that when matt was sending me the files, I wasn't around ... and he, as you may remember has a crappy internet connection. So, we're missing the comic today ... and I'm told it was going to be quite amusing. Sorry, y'all, it'll get done after class tomorrow ... which is to say, tomorrow night. Unless Matt gets them to me sooner than that.

Also, we are planning a bit of a Halloween Special for you, so look for that somewhere around the end of the month.

~Brad out

Peanuts! Get Your Peanuts Here!
Posted by: Matt

18 October, 2002
2:10 PM

I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo incredibly, unimaginably, uncharacteristically sorry for the laziness and overall "BAKA-ocity" (a little shrub moment) that caused the very very lateness of the comic..please don't hurt me?

~ Matt out                                          This link is so you can send me mail, please do or you will all face weeks and weeks of B.A.D's
Posted by: Brad

19 October
4:45 PM

Ok ... thats enough of that ... absolutely no more of these "late strips" going on ... seriously, guys, I'm really sorry. I feel pretty bad about the whole thing ... then again, I've been felling pretty bad about the whole damn week. At any rate, here I am, and here's the comic, so enjoy. Also, please report any broken links (because I'm lazy) to:
so that I can fix them. thanks muchly.

Oh, and e-mail matt so that he'll shut up.

~Brad out

Posted by: Matt

19 October, 2002
10:10 PM (sort of)

Is insanity wrong? cause if it is, than I am in a lot of trouble. Lately I've been going very slowly out of my mind. I can't tell where i should go with the style of this comic. I've been wanting to improve our quality but have no idea what our readers (i.e. YOU) want to see. So, if by any chance, you have a random idea as to how we could take our humor to another level, a topic you'd like to see addressed, or something you'd like to see on the artistic side of things ...BLOODY WELL TELL US!!!..our names at the top of our posts are "mailto" links so you can do just, if you can find the kindness in your collective non-corporeal heart of hearts , mail me and tell me your thoughts or feelings on our little piece of comicy goodness.

~Matt out


This Comic made possible by the combined efforts of Matt Thompson and Brad Mitchell. Hosted by Keenspace. All works on the site are (C) and (R) them unless it's (C) (R) someone else. Don't even think about stealing from us, our collective left earlobe vibrates every time illegal type shit happens. Read and enjoy the comic, then tell our hosts how much you like it. Spread the word!