Posted by: Brad

15th October 2002
3:55 AM

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to do actual work, the amount of free time I have falls dramatically, often ending up somewhere around absolute zero. Not fun, not even in the slightest. Also not fun is the overall ungoodness of my computer and the cursed state that my attempts to remedy same have left me. One should never expect anything to work on the first attempt, but especially not computer parts.

Hot from the newsroom, however, is this little bit of trivia: our readership here at Today Ain't Your Day is dropping off rather unsettlingly. So, we want you to remind all your friends to check us out. We could really use the support.

The using of the new keyboard layout (Dvorak) is coming along well, although I seemed to have reached the point that I am confusing the two styles in the most annoying of ways. But, my speed is coming back up, which will make me enjoy typing again and thence to put out more of this comedic goo that fills the side of the screen. Look forward to that.

~Brad out

Critical Updates Package
posted by: Matt

16 October, 2002
3:55 AM (not really)

:) hey der all of you imaginary readers. Let me ask, Why have I recived 0, thats roght, 0 E-mails regarding this comic in the last week? I'll let Brad do another comic..I will... you all know that..mail iz GOOD!!!

~Matt, way the hell out

Posted by: Brad

12:00 AM
17th October 2002

Now, you're probably not going to believe me, but that's ok. I have, in fact, finally finished fixing all the broken links. Every single page in the archives can be run forward or backward and made to do doggie tricks. I give you all one warning: the drop down menues on the individual pages may not exactly be always up to the second, if you know what I mean, but I'll do my best to at least update them once a week. The complete, up to the picosecond stuff can be found either here on thie main page or in the Archives section.

As far as the lack of mail goes, it'd be really nice to get some. If you send some, you're guarenteed to get a reply in the next 48 hours, and a personal one at that. And, of course, we want you to tell all your friends about us and then hope that they stay your friends.

Also, please note that you can send us e-mail at any time and tell us what we're doing wrong, suggestions, stuff you want to see in the features section, etc. Just tell us, we're kindof out on a limb here.

~Brad out

Posted by: Val

10:30 AM
17 October, 2002

I would just like to say that , yes he DOES look that incredibly adorable when he's asleep. More even.



This Comic made possible by the combined efforts of Matt Thompson and Brad Mitchell. Hosted by Keenspace. All works on the site are (C) and (R) them unless it's (C) (R) someone else. Don't even think about stealing from us, our collective left earlobe vibrates every time illegal type shit happens. Read and enjoy the comic, then tell our hosts how much you like it. Spread the word!