Posted by: Brad
18th November 2002
5:30 AM AM
Tired ... oh god so tired ... but good meteors ...
Ok, having slept and gotten some caffiene, I'm prepared to make my comments. Looking at this sorry sad box of a few scant words was too much for me, so I'm making my little "update" here.
So, first off, the comic. Matt was feeling perfectly fine, and not at all vindictive, so you may be wondering what this BAD is all about you didn't do anything you thought she was 18. Well, the truth is that I just felt like doing one and Matt just felt like letting me. As I'm sure you gathered from the Monogram on the robe, the bearded figure is in fact Jesus H. Christ Time Magazines "Man of The Year" for 32 C.E. And yes, that would be a gianormous, lap-filling X-Box controller in his hands, for which I'm hoping MS will give me money. Bout time the cash went the other way, in my opinion. Also, the large and booming voice from above is supposed to be that of GOD, who had at that very moment, just finished with the layeth-ing the Smack Down on his son. Talk about being punked.
In totally unrelated news, you should all check out this image that my father sent along to me:
Just think, this man is about to start a war!
Also, the Meteor shower was absolutely beautiful, and my apologies go out to anyone who missed it ... it was a great show.
Perhaps more later, or maybe some Matt-Rant, we'll see.
Hmm ... the font I used makes that lower-case "s" look more like an integral sign than an S ... what may be percieved as being a "Whole your deity" is in fact a "whose your deity".
just to clear up some confusion.
~Brad out