Posted by: Brad

15th November 2002
00:00 AM

As I'm sure you read last week, Matt as taken over the coloring job. And with me so overworked, this strip is entirely his. A gentle reminder to our feline readers, you do not, in fact, have the ability to move objects with your mind ... that would be telekenisis. You just know exactly when were about to sit down so you can jump into our chairs, which is uncool. One of these days, I'm just goint to sit on you.

It's getting into crunch time for us, so things may get hectic ... rest assured that we haven't forgotten about you. Really, we havent.

~Brad out

Hear Ye! Hear ye! The Monkies Have Stolen My Sanity
Posted by: Brad

15th November 2002
5:00 PM

Well. Today is my birthday, and I am feeling quite particularly flattered. Aside from my midterms, today actually was my day, as disturbing as that seems. Anyway, Matt should be in a bit later to make some comments and call me a weenie-head, but I won't know about it until Sunday night. I'm going to be visiting my sister in Irvine, CA, until then, and I won't have my computer. I may not survive.

So, until then ... I am


This Comic made possible by the combined efforts of Matt Thompson and Brad Mitchell. Hosted by Keenspace. All works on the site are (C) and (R) them unless it's (C) (R) someone else. Don't even think about stealing from us, our collective left earlobe vibrates every time illegal type shit happens. Read and enjoy the comic, then tell our hosts how much you like it. Spread the word!