Posted by: Brad

11:25 PM
5 December 2002

Ok, fair warning, this is probably going to be the only strip for the next week, although maybe not. It depends entirely on Matt and my finals schedule and our sleep cycles. Assuming the worst possible, you can expect the next comic somtime around wednesday of the week after next, sometime around Dec. 18th or so. Just warning you, it could be bad.

Todays comic is based almost entirely on Real Life, as is everything around here, but most importantly the day I spent at Santa Monica beach over my Thanksgiving break. There I was, ambling down the beach and minding my own business, when what should appear before my eyes but a DDR machine, which promptly smacked into my forhead. When I got up and brushed myself off, the round was over, and I found myself in the curious position of doing DDR, quite literally, on the beach. It was highly amusing.

Two words, folks: extension cords.

I'm really really very tired and not exaclty capable of being coherently funny, so I'm going to let Matt take the lead on this one and post some funniness, although I will lecture him about not apologizing for this one because I think it's good. Tell us your thoughts on the matter.

Also, give us your thoughts on that cafe press store idea ... would you buy things?

~Brad out

Hear Ye! Hear ye! The Monkeys Have Stolen My Sanity
This space to be filled with funny later    :P Posted by: Matt (<--- him..shh!)

5:28 PM
6 December, 2002

Yes, that is Val and I playing DDR...and if im not mistaken, she's kickin' my ass:) ...ain't she gorgeous? I love you Val.

~Matt way the hell out

Posted by: Matt

11:59 PM
7 December, 2002

OK, I give up. You win. If you don't want to send any fucking mail you don't bloody have to. I'm done on the damn subject!

~Matt out!

Ok, I know we've been bad. Really, we have. I understand that, you understand that ... things have gotten hairy. Matt and I are taking a break, trying to sort stuff out in our own lives before leaping back into the comic ... we were gonna have one for today, Friday, but we've been out running around together. I'm back in Sacramento for a while, and we're taking the time to hang out like old friends are supposed to. So. I know it's a bitch, but we absolutly promise on our solemn honor to have a comic up by Saturday, and then we should have some on a regular basis from then on, starting again on Tuesday. We've got some good stuff, and we can't wait to share it with ya.

Hope ya haven't left us entirely ... *sniff* ... we're still here, we really are.


This Comic made possible by the combined efforts of Matt Thompson and Brad Mitchell. Hosted by Keenspace. All works on the site are (C) and (R) them unless it's (C) (R) someone else. Don't even think about stealing from us, our collective left earlobe vibrates every time illegal type shit happens. Read and enjoy the comic, then tell our hosts how much you like it. Spread the word!