Matt to Matt Protocols - 23 August 2002


Brads Random Misanthropy

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IEEE Standard 1337.2

Posted by Brad @ 12:00 PM

I'd like to talk first about the comic, but there is an impromptu party a few doors down from mine. Or, given the nature of the persons involved, perhaps it would be more accurate to say that the party is "a few Coors down." Maybe more than a few. I laugh, and snicker evilly, because it is a Thursday night and the RA's are death on alcohol. I so want to be there for this, really.

So, the Matt to Matt communication ... I only wish it worked as easily in the real world as it does in the land of Today Ain't Your Day. Unfortunately, as is to be expected, Ian and Matt are almost continually swamped with e-mail from all around the globe. We, however, can only hope for such fantastic good luck. In fact, you people out there have sent no e-mail at all. But I know you're out there because you have just recently brought us up, kicking and screaming bloody murder, to 7000+ hits. Now, sit down and send some e-mail!

Heh ... yes, I realize what I hypocrite I am ... I hate sending e-mail. THAT DOESN'T MATTER! You! Yes, you! Send me some E-Mail!!

Ok, so Shangri'la is tomorrow night. If you are in San Luis Obispo, Orange, Ventura, or Los Angeles Counties and you like electronic music, you need to be there. Bring 7 bucks and a can of food for your at-the-door ticket and be prepared to have some fun. All the food they raise from this goes to the local food banks, so don't bring Campbells Cream of Something Disgusting And Synthetic. Yum! If you do happen to be there, I will most likely be in a shiny shirt of either blue or grey-green colour. Whatever I'm wearing it's cool: I'll be wearing a hat. I hope to God that when you see me I still have my pants. Find me if you're there, and you're name could fill this space on Tuesday.

In semi-related news, I assume that the majority our average daily readership is fairly computer literate. Which, in this liberated information age, means that you all have shit-tons of *.mp3's on your computer. You may also be running some variant of Winamp, that totally cool and still free music software. Well, I am here to apologize very greatly and say that Winamp 3 (also known as Wasabi for some reason) sucketh massively and in all respects is shitty. I will be giving my complete review of the subject sometime today, which will be over here. Also, I'll be working on some of the site background structure, so things may be temporarily unavailable until I get that worked out.

Not much more to add, so I think I'll get going on the work that needs to be done.

~Brad out

Critical Updates Package

Posted by Brad at 1:15 AM

Oh yes ... for those of you who may not understand the reference, Matt and I will spend some weeks honing our skillz.

~Brad out

This comic made possible by the combined efforts of Matt Thompson and Brad Mitchell, and hosted by Keenspot. All works on the site are (C) and (R) them unless it's (C) and (R) someone else. Don't even try to steal from us, our collective left earlobe vibrates every time illegal type shit happens. Just read the comic and then go tell our hosts how much you've enjoyed our work.  Spread the word!