Dead Matt Day - 1 of 1 - 15 August 2002


Brads Random Misanthropy

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Bunches and Bunches of Fun

Posted by Brad @ 12:00 AM

On behalf of Mr. Navel-Gazer over there, I'd like to apologize for the lack of a real comic.  It seems that he just wasn't feeling the love this week, so he didn't grace us with a comic.  This is great for me because today all I have to do is rant and type.  Which means that I have no excuse for not updating the site and fixing all the broken links and generally getting things wonderriffic.  So, now they are.

I've been working on my Warcraft strategies.  Like Gabe, I quickly discovered that the Night Elves are freaking awesome, and I've been working on my strategies with them.  Unfortunately, I have also reminded myself of why I hate playing multiplayer games.  So, now I stick to facing down the other players on my LAN.  And, if I do say so, I'm good.

Christ, I never know what to put on this damn spot.  It's like a large blue thing that is also the spell component for "Silence Webcomic Writers".  I mean, shit, people - I can't freaking rant here, because there's a whole other page for that.  I know where Tycho gets his stuff, he's a flaming video game type person ... there's always something going on the gaming industry.  But in the life of one unknown Webcomic writer?

I'm with Ian on this one: Slack Type Zero, baby.

~Brad Out

Critical Updates Package

Posted by Matt @ 12:00 AM

Sorry about the Dead Matt Day, I just wasn't feeling the homoerotik love of my pencil the way I usually do.  Also, on that note, I believe that this pretty much sums it up.

~Matt out

Posted by Brad @ 12:02 AM

Ok, now the site is updated.  All my sweat and blood in vain, however, as the only site changes I was able to get done was a pair of calandars in the archives section.  I tried to get some kind of drop down box to work, but they cannot be powerd by HTML, unfortunately, and I know don't know CGI script from Borsht. So, if anyone out there can send me some neat redirect scripts to point our readers to the proper pages, much gratitude will be given, and maybe even some free stuff.

Also, you all should feel very lucky because you are getting Today Ain't Your Day absolutely ad free.  No, this isn't something that Matt and I are doing as some Benevolent Act of Webmaster-y God, but rather some strange problem I'm having getting the code of the ad script to show up on the web.  It works just fine on my local machine. Anyone who can tell me why it's not working will have mucho gratitude.

On the same note, Warcraft III is causing my computer to randomly crash, usually right in the middle of a game.  Any ideas?

~Brad out

Posted by Brad @ 5:15 PM

If any of you out there felt the tremors in the Force, it was my code actually working as described in the manual. This happens so very rarely that I'm beginning to worry about pianos falling out of the sky and striking me with divine wrath. But, you at least will have the benefit of a fully functional drop down box from which to choose your strips.  And, come Hell or High Water, it will be up to date.

~Brad out

Posted by Matt @ 9:10 PM

Brad left a message on my answering machine today:

"phear my l33t nekkid skillz!"

This was presumably after he coded the drop down menu, but I have to ask: is anyone else as frightened as I am?

~Matt out

Posted by: Brad @ 10:00

Ok, so I wasn't really naked.  I was, merely, without pants - for reasons nefarious and vile.

~Brad out

Posted by Matt @ 10:45 PM

Oh Lord, why couldn't he be the king of pants?!

~Matt out

This comic made possible by the combined efforts of Matt Thompson and Brad Mitchell, and hosted by Keenspot. All works on the site are (C) and (R) them unless it's (C) and (R) someone else. Don't even try to steal from us, our collective left earlobe vibrates every time illegal type shit happens. Just read the comic and then go tell our hosts how much you've enjoyed our work.  Spread the word!