Posted by: Brad

5th October 2002
6:15 PM

New comic.

There is a phenominon in the webcomic business ... it's called "Extremely bad Laziness". I am a chronic victim of this horrible affliction. But! This weekend holds nothing but free time for me, especially in the wee small hours of the morning. So. I will do my best to completely update the entire site, all the archives, everything working wonderfully. We may also try to switch to PHP, but this is unlikely. We want to switch to PHP, because it would make Brads coding job a lot easier, but we also know that the Keenspace servers may not let us have our code-y goodness. *sniff*

We are also of the opinion that it's naptime.

~Brad out

Critical Updates Package
Posted By : Matt

5 October, 2002
6:30 PM

I'm very, very sorry for the lateness of the comic...and for the quality..looks like im gonna go BLACK AND WHITE ... again, im am VERY sorry for the comics lateness. 

~Matt out 

This Comic made possible by the combined efforts of Matt Thompson and Brad Mitchell. Hosted by Keenspace. All works on the site are (C) and (R) them unless it's (C) (R) someone else. Don't even think about stealing from us, our collective left earlobe vibrates every time illegal type shit happens. Read and enjoy the comic, then tell our hosts how much you like it. Spread the word!