Posted by:
Brad @
12:46 AM
Ok, I'd like to start out by pointing you over to
Megatokyo and urging you to read Largos post. He is working on a
new computer magazine, and it is going to be the l33test thing ever.
Go, read it, and sign up.
Next, I know the comic is late ... so vulking sue me,
ok? I had a test today and I'm not sure my brain has come back
yet. It left me sometime in the night with that cold and lonely
feeling you get when a part of you leaves. So I came back from
class and sit down to ... blah. Nothing. No inspiration at
all, and for the first time ever I didn't really want to do the
comic. But, I pulled through and did it. I think I need
food, though, I haven't eaten yet.
This comic almost happened, in that this is the kind
of shit that Matt would pull. To those who wonder, "Antidisestablishmentarialism"
is a real word. Look it up if you don't believe me. Also, as
you may have noticed, we're heading towards a more MacHall type of
layout, but Ians godlike Photoshop skills have not yet manifested in
me. I'm working on that, and reading the books, and all that, but
I'm busy. Hopefully during the break I'll have the time and
inclination to really buckle down and learn this shit. Who knows,
it might even be a marketable skill some day.
Oh yeah, before I forget: some people have pointed out
to me that the site isn't working as described in the manual. I'll
get to that after lunch.
I need Cherry Brain Freezy
~Brad out