DDR?  TAKE ME THERE!! - 2 Aug 2002


Brads Random Misanthropy

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Moving so fast the universe blue-shifts around her

Posted by: Brad @ 8:03 AM

Or not.  You know, just whatever works for you.

Well, I'm not awake yet ... I'm trying to move to a more Penny Arcade update schedule, because that allows me to sleep, but it's also very inhuman in dictating when I get up ... I'm not quite there yet.

I like what got done with this strip and I think Matts art is pretty much where we both want it.  Hey, if it works well enough for you guys and you have given us 3300 or more hits, I'm fine with it.

I need caffeine so badly ...

~Brad out

Critical Updates Package

Posted by: Brad @ 12:10 AM

Oh my god ... oh my FUCKING GOD!!! Does every male on this floor have a female in his bed tonight? JESUS CHRIST!! Fook!!! I'm the only freaking one of them who's not fucking insane and sex hungry who's sleeping alone!! Fuck-monkeys of doom, people?! What the fuck is going on here!!! Even fucking CHAANG has a girl!! Was tonight "pick up your rent-a-whore" night and nobody fucking told me?!

And, to save you all from this Batjew-esque nonsense, I'm posting a new section, cleverly entitled "Misanthropy".  It's actually a copy of my old webspace.  Unfortunately, I can't access my usual ATT Broadband account because of some strange and arcane magicks that prevent anyone not on an AT&T cable connection from accessing the upload servers.  Ah well, I'll just use this space.

I swear to freaking GOD, people, you're gonna turn me into another Safety Monkey.

Also, I made some asthetic changes to the site, in the form of the buttons being more fixed and less dependant on the length of the comic.  Lets see how many of you people actually notice.

~Brad out

This comic made possible by the combined efforts of Matt Thompson and Brad Mitchell, and hosted by Keenspot. All works on the site are (C) and (R) them unless it's (C) and (R) someone else. Don't even try to steal from us, our collective left earlobe vibrates every time illegal type shit happens. Just read the comic and then go tell our  hosts how much you've enjoyed our work.  Spread the word!